"You and Me"
We have some challenging moves and skills in Part A today! Including some ring work!!! Part B is related to the title but moves will...

"225" Feb 27
We really like to power clean:) What a great move for the human body...it makes us powerful!!! How we were made to be!!! The 225 has...

Most of you already know the workout for today! If you are in the dark, however, think about bringing your gymnastics grips. Hoping to...

"T n T" Feb 22
One T is for Thursday. The other...IDK? Take about 20 seconds to think about it! Part B will be 16 minutes long! But you will...

"CINCO" Feb 21
If you were in the 5:30 a.m. class this morning, you would understand the name of the workout! Don't try to "figure it out." The title...

"The Terminator" Feb 19
Part A will be simple yet effective :-) Easy barbell move. Barbie will be about moving moderately light weight fast and for a significant...

"FNF" Feb 16
Don't confuse this with Furry! It's FURY night at the 04! The 4:45 class is still a go! You will get to sample a few of the workouts...

"Gloom" Feb 15, 2018
It's how we might describe the weather outside, but not in THE04!!!!! Let's use dumbbells in the strength portion today! Part B will...

"The Cara" Feb 14
It's Cara's birthday today - hence the title!!!!! Let's get heavy with that barbell in Part A today!!! Part B will give you 20 minutes...

"Press Your luck" Feb 13
It's lucky day 13 of February. You will be pressing your luck in part A :-) You will use a barbell for this part. Bring some gymnastics...